Olá dancers in the world! How are you all holding up during the COVID-19 pandemic?

The most cruel reality that hits us dancers worldwide is: DANCE IS CLOSED!

The nature of social dance and the reason why we love it so much is the incomparable human connection dance brings upon us.

For this very reason, social dance becomes the first on the chopping board when social distancing becomes the cure for the pandemic and dancing is classified as non-essential! All the dance joints that you used to go to are closed! Festivals closed! Socials closed! Dance classes closed! ...

If you are like me, you are an absolute dance addict who goes out minimum 3 times a week and who travels and attends minimum 4 dance congresses/festivals per year. You will probably agree with this statement: DANCING IS ESSENTIAL TO OUR EXISTENCE AND WELL BEING! You are probably suffering from severe social dance withdrawals! Just like any addict, the withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Claustrophobia
  • Shaky hands
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Sweating
  • Confusion
  • Racing heart
  • High blood pressure
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Ok, I admit, I got that list from WebMD on Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms... Only the biggest dance addicts of us might experience all of those symptoms 😉.

Sure, the authorities can shut down dance events and dance joints but they cannot shutdown our love for dancing. So we say keep on dancing, anywhere, anytime! 😁

Of course, we cannot solve all problems with the social distancing being reinforced worldwide. And it is likely that social dancing will be the last activity to be back to “normal”.

But seriously, to maintain our sanity and health, both mentally and physically, the “dance” must go on!

Here at Taygra, we want to allow people to take their dance in and out wherever they are, at any time of the day! Whether it's in your backyard, out for a stroll, at the grocery store - don't pretend you never threw in some dance moves while you were bored, waiting in line ;) - in their living room with a Zoom party with friends... 

This is why we came out with our new Taygra spring/summer collection with the never-seen-before Corrida Water-Green, Corrida Navy-Blue, and Corridalta Neon-Pink. Check out our new uplifting spring/summer collection here!

As a shoe company, we don't have the power to fix COVID-19 or to reopen the dance venues, but here is what we can give you:

1. A Hug Your Feet Have Always Craved

Our Stretchfit™ upper textile hugs your feet like a pair of socks. The duo layered breathable textile material supports and protects while adapting to the natural shape of your foot.

2. Removable Soft Foam Insole

Our minimalistic plush-feel insole will allow you to feel the floor without having the discomfort of feeling the shoe. The insole is easily removable and can be replaced by a new one or an orthotic sole of your choice.

3. Wear Your Dance Shoes Everywhere

This is the ultimate hybrid sole for the street and the dancefloor. Designed to offer the best balance between slip and grip on most surfaces. The hard PVC makes it a breeze to spin and turn on the dancefloor or any hard surface like concrete, stone or wood. The square studs gives you back the control on the stops and changes of directions. The PVC sole make it ideal to wear outside. No more worries about damaging the delicate leather soles.

#takeoutdance #taygradanceshoes #thedancemustgoon